Florenus Edizioni

Fine Books for Violin Makers, Collectors & Connoisseurs

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  Il Suono di Bologna - The Sound of Bologna
Contributi di / Contributions by: William Bignami, Gabriele Carletti, Alberto Giordano, Giancarlo Guicciardi, Sandro Pasqual, Mariarosa Pollastri, Roberto Regazzi, Duane Rosengard, Pieto Trimboli, Alessandro Urso.
La Grande Liuteria Bolognese tra '800 e '900 - Eventi dedicati al Maestro Raffaele Fiorini ed alla Scuola Liutaria del Capoluogo Emiliano. Bologna, 7-22 dicembre 2002, Collezioni d'Arte e di Storia della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna San Giorgio in Poggiale. Bolognese Violin Making between the 1800s and 1900s - Events dedicated to Raffaele Fiorini and the Violin Making Tradition of the City - Bologna, December 7-22, 2002, Art and History Collections Cassa di Rispamio Foundation in Bologna San Giorgio in Poggiale. www.florenusedizioni.com/ilsuono.htm - www.IlSuonoDiBologna.org - 4to, 132 pp., col. ill.. Including a 2-pages folder with a 'Panorama of Modern Bolognese Violin Making: Influences and Relationships', certificated by the Scientific Commettee.
Price: 170 €
  ------------------- *1 copy left* Lutherie in Bologna: Roots & Success. Le radici del successo della liuteria a Bologna.
Sandro Pasqual - Roberto Regazzi
------------------- *1 copy left* History of the Classic Makers of Stringed Instruments in Bologna in the modern age to which a Complete Listing of the Active Makers in town is added (1496 - 1998). Storia della Liuteria Classica Bolognese e dei liutai Bolognesi in etŕ moderna. Italian text with English translation by Elisabeth Jenkins Ravani. Hardbound, cover, 224 pp., Italian & English text with indexes. ------------------- *1 copy left*
Price: 150 €
  ------------------- *OUT OF PRINT* Classic Violin-making in Piedmonte / Classica Fabbricazione di Violini in Piemonte
by Gioffredo Benedetto Rinaldi, edited by Roberto Regazzi
------------------- *OUT OF PRINT* 3 languages Edition. A re-edition limited to 200 copies of the extremely rare pamphlet (first printed in 25 copies, as estimated by G. Iviglia in 1959) published in Turin, 1873 (Regazzi bibliography no. 2787), revised and complete with the English translation by Jane Helen Johnson. A first-hand biography of the famous Maker G.F. Pressenda. 8vo, 45 pp.. ISBN 88-85250-02-5. Text in Italian, German and English. ------------------- *OUT OF PRINT*
Price: 30 €
  A Life of Artistry Sketches of Otello Bignami, Violin Maker in Bologna 1914-1989
Contributions by Roberto Verti, Adriano Cavicchi, Roberto Regazzi, Giovanna Benzi.
8vo, 32 pp., b/w and col. ill.. ISBN 88-85250-03-3. Including the personal biography and bibliography of Otello Bignami, pictures of his instruments, portraits, the list of his pupils. Italian and English text. 2nd Edition.
Price: 26 €
LINK ! ">   Il Liutaio Giuseppe Fiorini. La vita, le lettere e la donazione dei cimeli stradivariani. -> Please follow this LINK !
4to, 111 pp., ill.. For this book please follow this LINK !
Price:  €
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  In Remembrance of Ansaldo Poggi - Ricordo di Ansaldo Poggi
Contributions on this leading violin maker by Amedeo Baldovino, Rodolfo Felicani, Cristiano Rossi, Uto Ughi, Giovanni Adamo, Giovanni Guglielmo, Amedeo Liva, Riccardo Brengola, Marco Lenzi, Anahi Carfi and Roberto Regazzi.
Square 8vo, 32 pp., 11 b/w ill. in sepia. Italian text with English translation by Jane H. Johnson. Valuable edition limited to only 260 numbered copies.
Price: 23 €
  Otello Bignami Liutaio in Bologna - Violinmaker in Bologna.
William Bignami
[Bologna] 2005. Second Enlarged Edition. 4to, 160 pp., b/w and coll. ill.. Italian and English text. Including a section dedicated to the reconstructed Bignami workshop at the International Music Museum of Bologna. Contributions by William and Wilma Bignami, Roberto Regazzi, Mariarosa Pollastri, Bruno Stefanini, Loretta Ghelfi, Paola Malaguti and Pietro Trimboli.
Price: 100 €
  The Complete Luthier's Library ------------------- *OUT OF PRINT*
Roberto Regazzi
*OUT OF PRINT* ------------------- The Most Extensive International Critical Bibliography for the Maker and the Connoisseur of Stringed and Plucked Instruments. 4536 entries, 2 extensive alphabetical indexes including almost 10.000 names and more than 1500 subjects. Of each entry are given: Author / Title / Subtitle / All known editions of the publication (place, date, etc.) / Publishers, Editors, Translators, Number of pages, plates and illustrations / International Standard Book Number, Notes on the substance of the publication and the contents of its chapters. A must for people involved in the sector. Foreword by Charles Beare. English language consultation by Jane Helen Johnson. Bologna 1990. Hardbound edition limited to 600 numbered and signed copies. 8vo, 557 pp.. ISBN 88-85250-01-7. ------------------- *OUT OF PRINT*
Price: 650 €
  The Magic of Wood - From Lutherie to Music with 15 instruments by Roberto Regazzi / Il Legno Magico - Liuteria in Musica / Das Magische Holz - Geigenbau in der Musik / La Magie du Bois - Lutherie en Musique
This BookCD represents a quite unusual monograph which takes the fascinating mystery of a piece of wood as the starting point for the story of a long journey, describing its transformation into a masterpiece of real music through the Art of violin making. ------ CD Dynamic CDT-5092, with 3 first worldwide recordings. Music by: Isaac Albéniz, Johannes Brahms, Cecil Burleigh, Carlo Galante, Fritz Kreisler, Astor Piazzolla, Sergej Sergeevic Prokofiev, Camille Saint-Saëns, Dmitrij Dmitrevic Sostakovic, Giovanni Sollima, Antonio Vivaldi, played with joy by 30 noted performers. Contributions by Boris Belkin, Dmitry Gindin, Linda Johnston, Nicola Badolato, 96 pp., colour illustrations, fully featuring 15 instruments, including Anne-Sophie Mutter's violin. '3 CDs equivalent value' with almost 80 minutes of good music. Five languages: English, Italian, German, French and Japanese.
Price: 45 €
  The Manuscript on Violin-making by G.A. Marchi - Bologna 1786 / Il Manoscritto Liutario di G.A. Marchi, Bologna 1786
Roberto Regazzi
Transcription of the original document conserved in the Public Library of Bologna; notes, preface and biography with an appendix on the Marchi violin belonged to Ottorino Respighi. English translation by Nicoletta Sbarra, revision by John Guthrie. Bologna 1986. 8vo, 382 pp., 12 b/w plates. 800 copies printed. Italian and English text.
Price: 100 €

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